Manage well with information at your fingertips.

Access all your asset information in one place from your computer or mobile device.
Your Account / Assets
Save time.. No more searching
Looking for information in binders, spreadsheets or by making phone calls takes too much of your valuable time.

Streamline your info
Get a quick overview of all your assets. Add and customize fields. Click to drill down and access more asset data.
Keep manuals, parts lists, spec sheets or whatever you want all in one place through attachments.
Assets – Bill of Materials
Quickly see any BOM
Store a bill of materials for every asset then find and access it within seconds. Save time searching for lists. And make sure you always order the correct parts.

Interactive Parts List
Find the parts you need
No more wasted time with static drawings. We convert your drawings for you.

Hover over your Interactive Drawing and reveal the part number, description and quantity needed.
Simply Add to Cart to easily request a Quote.
Unique Asset Code
See your asset details
Access your info easily.
Your asset information in Tenan is associated with a Unique Asset Code.
We generate on an Asset Tag, with your Unique Asset Code, for each of your Assets.

Asset Codes
Scan for asset info
Use your Mobile device to scan your Unique Asset Code.
Get asset details with 1 click.

Assets Maintenance
Stay on top of your maintenance
Use Maintenance Checklist to know what work was done, by who and when.
Customize Procedures to fit maintenance needed for your assets.

Interactive Mapping
Track and map your assets
Use an address, GPS coordinates or longitude/latitude.

Easily attach a map to any or all of your assets.
Take control of your asset information
Get to any of your asset info in just a couple clicks on your device.
All your asset information in one place.
Scan your Unique Asset Code to instantly access asset info.